Friday, March 28, 2025
About IRAS
Office Bearers
Patrons - AM(F) & AM(B)
Shri Nawal K Srivastava, AM(Revenue), as President
Shri Bijay Kumar Mishra, FA&CAO/CON/NFR, as Secretary General
DF(CCA) was nominated as Treasurer, to be held by the incumbent
Shri Dhrubajyoti Sengupta, FA&CAO/F&B/CR, as Joint Secretary
Shri Manoj Asawa, FA&CAO/G/WR, as Joint Secretary
Ms Amrita Darpan Jain, FA&CAO/T/NR, as Joint Secretary
Shri Vipul Tripathi, Director (Accounts), as Executive Member
Shri Manish, Dy.CAO/G/ER, as Executive Member
Shri G Sridhar, Dy.CAO/G/SCR, as Executive Member
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