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IRAS Conclave 2023

IRAS Conclave was organised on 18th of November'2023 at National Rail Museum, New Delhi with the theme of 'Future Ready IRAS'. The conclave was chaired by Member Finance, Railway Board. The conclave was attended by all IRAS officers either in Delhi or virtually through weblink.

The concept of conclave was unique in the sense that young officers of IRAS were given complete freedom to express their ideas on six technical themes. The topics on these themes included Crew efficiency, GIS mapping of assets, Fresh Perspective on Railway Quarters, New model of Linen Management, Automation of Establishment Claims, Innovative Approach to Parcel Management, Rethinking Track Machine Acquisition, Asset utilisation- Data driven Approach, Triple Bottom Line, Improving Modal Share, Monetisation of Land Assets and Infrastructure Creation through Private Participation.

The presentations shows the inherent strength of IRAS officers in Data Analysis and Business Modelling. IRAS officers showed rigour of training dataset to use AI, presented concepts on ESG, using data and survey for effective customer satisfaction and using data to increase efficiency. Some of the ideas presented were out of the box and thought provoking.

The involvement of all IRAS officers with varied experience as team members and mentors made this conclave successful. Special Thanks to Member Finance, Railway Board for her sustained support to all the team members in all aspects!!

Here is the link for IRAS Conclave 2023

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Ms Roopa Srinivasan
Member Finance