Thursday, April 25, 2024

Heartiest Congratulations to Ms Roopa Srinivasan, IRAS for being appointed as Member Finance, Railway Board, in Apex Scale.

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Message from shri A. K. Prasad, Financial Commissioner ( Rlys.) to the IRAS Fraternity

Message from shri A. K. Prasad, Financial Commissioner ( Rlys.) to the IRAS Fraternity
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As a second generation IRAS officer, I feel both honoured and humbled to be entrusted with the task of heading this great service, which has steadfastly remained central to the growth aspirations of Indian Railways. With nearly nine decades of legacy behind us, the service has established rich traditions of professionalism, integrity and innovation. I consider it my proud privilege to both reinforce and carry forward this culture.

The growth trajectory of Indian economy has shifted decisively to a higher orbit, in which the emphasis is more on structural reform, rapid infrastructure development, and sustainable expansion. The pivotal role assigned to IR in accelerating the momentum of infrastructure enhancement is being constantly articulated by policy makers. As always, IRAS has to rise to the occasion and become the central force behind this growth engine.

I have full faith in the quality of intellectual capital possessed by the service as also its capacity in putting the best foot forward by way of its institutional memory, analytical skills, objective advice, and constant commitment to Canons of Financial Propriety.

It is my deep conviction- learnt through personal experience- that diversity of experience provides the best opportunity for intellectual growth. We must seek meaningful assignments, acquire professional skills and be open to functioning at all levels of the hierarchy, so that we may discharge leadership roles with greater confidence and conviction.

We must never forget that we are, first and foremost, accounting professionals, and the aspect of diligent book keeping and house keeping functions must always receive our personal attention. The process of extension of IPAS, completion of the ambitious Accounting Reforms project and finding newer avenues of resource mobilisation needs to be carried forward with a missionary zeal. Cost optimization in the face of tepid earnings growth needs to be practiced through innovative internal audit studies and performance based costing.

Indian Railways have always looked upon IRAS as a source of sound financial advice in areas of resource mobilisation, its allocation and policy formulation. This role has acquired greater importance in view of the divergent trends in Capital needs of IR as contrasted with the diminishing support from the general exchequer. Let us resolve to justify the confidence of the organisation in us by presenting optimal solutions and unbiased advice.

It will be my endeavor to lend all support to the service as a whole in the professional challenges that lie ahead. I have received unstinted guidance and mentoring from my seniors and will, in turn, attempt to pass on the legacy to colleagues and juniors under my stewardship.

I extend my best wishes for the New Year to all of you and your families.

(A.K. Prasad)
Financial Commissioner (Rlys.)

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Ms Roopa Srinivasan
Member Finance